About Us
We’d love you to come and join the Optegra Team! You’ll find our current vacancies and more information about them below.
If you have any questions, would like to discuss any of our roles further or would like some help in making your application, please contact our Recruitment Team on careers@optegra.com.
Showing results for '{{sentSearch || 'all jobs'}}' ({{jobs.length}} results)
{{jobs.DateCreated | date: 'dd MMMM, yyyy'}}
Location: {{jobs.Address}}
Employment: {{jobs.EmploymentType}}
Salary: {{jobs.SalaryDisplay.indexOf('to') !== -1 ? jobs.SalaryDisplay + " Per " + jobs.SalaryType : jobs.SalaryDisplay}}
We couldn’t find any results for ‘{{sentSearch}}’, please try again.
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